Although aging may be a completely natural process, nobody wants this to happen sooner than it should! Unfortunately, premature aging is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem. The good news? If your skin seems to be aging too quickly, there’s plenty that you can do about this. Keep reading as Vine Vera shares some of the […]
When it comes to keeping your skin looking and feeling its best, ensuring that your skin barrier is healthy is a must. Of course, this is often easier said than done, especially when there’s so much out there that’s constantly damaging that precious protective barrier. If you think your skin barrier could use some TLC, […]
While few people worry about sagging skin when they’re young, it becomes a much more prevalent problem as the years go by. This is primarily due to how collagen and elastin – the two main structural proteins in the skin – decline in integrity with age. This then means that they’re no longer capable of […]
If your body has been experiencing hormonal fluctuations and you’ve also noticed an increase in breakouts, as well as in how oily your skin is, then there’s a good chance that hormonal acne is to blame. The good news is that clear-looking skin is easier to achieve than many people realize. Read on as Vine […]
Dry skin can be extremely frustrating to deal with. Not only do you need to find a way to counter the associated roughness and flakiness but dehydration becomes more prevalent too. The sebum that your skin produces plays a crucial role in moisture retention but, if your skin is dry, this means that it’s lacking […]