How to Get the Most Out of Your Nighttime Skincare Routine

woman nighttime routine

It’s no secret that a good nighttime skincare routine can do so much for your complexion. After all, evenings are when your skin switches from defense mode to recovery mode, repairing the damage that it has encountered over the course of the day. If your PM skincare routine is tailored to support these processes, your skin will look and feel much healthier, not to mention more youthful, overall.

However, simply picking a few skincare products at random and slapping them onto your face each evening isn’t going to do much. Instead, if you want to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your nighttime skincare routine, follow these pro tips from Vine Vera:

Always Start With Clean Skin

Vitamin C Cleanser

By the end of the day, your skin will be covered with a whole host of impurities. Sure, you may not be able to see them, but they’re there! From your own sebum, sweat, and dead skin cells to the dirt, pollutants, bacteria, and more that you’ve picked up from the environment around you, all of these impurities will form a layer of grime over your skin’s surface. Attempt to apply any skincare products over the top of this and they won’t be able to penetrate your skin. This will make your entire skincare routine pretty much ineffective!

This is why clean skin is a must if you want to fully reap the rewards of the products you apply. Of course, use a cleanser that’s suitable for your skin type. If you have dry skin, pick a moisturizing formula, like the Vine Vera Resveratrol Cabernet Mousse Cleanser. Meanwhile, if you have oily skin, you may need something a little more powerful, like the Vine Vera Resveratrol Vitamin C Cleanser.

If your skin is particularly dirty, you may want to try double cleansing. Start with an oil-based cleanser and then follow up with a water-based cleanser. This will remove even more of the impurities from your skin, giving you a true blank canvas to apply your skincare products too.

Include a Toner

Cabernet Toner

Do you really need to include a toner in your nighttime skincare routine? No, but if you do, you’ll be able to get so much more out of your entire routine.

How? Because a good toner will be designed to rebalance the pH level on your skin’s surface. This is something that’s commonly disrupted after cleansing. Even if your pH falls just slightly off-kilter, your skin won’t be quite as receptive to the products that you apply. However, get things back into balance and your skin cells will feel much more capable of putting your skincare products to good use.

Of course, some toners offer additional benefits too. The Vine Vera Resveratrol Cabernet Toner, for example, is wonderfully hydrating. It’s great at soothing the feeling of inflammation too. Even better, it contains an array of antioxidants, including resveratrol – Vine Vera’s signature ingredient!

Power Up With Vitamins and Antioxidants


There are several skincare ingredients that are extremely beneficial when applied at night. However, vitamins and antioxidants sit at the top of the list.

Remember how we mentioned that your skin cells work hard each night to repair the appearance of daily damage? Vitamins and antioxidants help with this in a big way. If you want to keep your skin looking smooth, firm, bright, and youthful, incorporate as many vitamins and antioxidants into your evening routine as possible! 

How can you do this? Ideally, make sure that every step of your skincare routine contains a few vitamins and antioxidants. The cleansers and toner that we’ve featured above meet the mark perfectly.

However, antioxidant serums are also a great way to squeeze even more of these compounds into your routine. Serums are capable of carrying dense concentrations of ingredients, making them ideal for powering up your entire routine.

The Vine Vera Resveratrol Vitamin C Serum does this beautifully. Not only is vitamin C a vitamin, but it boasts powerful antioxidant properties too. The same can be said of vitamins A and E, both of which can also be found in this serum. They’re joined by a blend of plant oils, each one also loaded with a ton of antioxidants!

Give Your Skin the Extra Hydration It Needs

Resveratrol Chianti Revival Serum

Let’s now talk about something else that your skin needs plenty of at night; moisture. Water is an essential part of every single process that occurs in your skin. With your skin cells being so busy each night, they go through a large amount of water. 

This, coupled with the fact that skin barrier function slows down in the evenings, making transepidermal water loss speed up, means that it’s very common for the skin to slowly dehydrate as the night wears on. Not only will this have you waking up to a dull and rough complexion but it will also interfere with how your skincare products function. Sure, you may be giving your skin all the best ingredients. However, unless your skin cells also have enough moisture, they won’t be able to put those ingredients to good use.

To counter this, ramp up hydration each night. Just like when it comes to vitamins and antioxidants, make sure that every stage of your skincare routine contains hydrating ingredients. You can also give your skin an extra boost of hydration by applying a hydrating serum, just like the Vine Vera Chianti Revival Serum. It’s packed with humectants – ingredients that bind moisture to the skin for an immediately plumper and fuller finish.

Invest in a Dedicated Nighttime Moisturizer

Cabernet High Potency Night Cream

One of the most important steps in any skincare routine is to moisturize. Why is this so crucial? Because not only does a moisturizer provide an extra layer of hydration but it also forms a moisture barrier over your skin’s surface. This prevents moisture from evaporating away, which, as you now know, occurs at a greater rate at night.

While just about any moisturizer will provide these benefits to a certain extent, a dedicated nighttime moisturizer is well worth investing in. Why? Because of how your skin’s functions change in the evening. While daytime moisturizers should be focused on preventing the appearance of environmental damage, a nighttime moisturizer will keep your skin cells feeling supported as they go about repairing this damage. If you want to see the best results from your evening skincare routine, a dedicated nighttime moisturizer will be undeniably helpful.

If you don’t already have one, check out the Vine Vera Resveratrol Cabernet High Potency Night Cream. It’s a rich moisturizer that will lavish your skin with all that it needs to feel its very best at night, ensuring that you wake up with a radiant glow!

Spend Time on Your Eye Area


Often, morning skincare routines are pretty rushed. However, in the evenings, people tend to have more time to spend on their skin, meaning that they can easily add in a few extra steps.

One of these should be to focus on your eye area. If you often wake up with puffy eyes or dark circles, then this becomes even more important! Giving your eye area the attention that it needs before you go to bed will leave this area looking smoother, softer, and even come morning.

What does this extra attention involve? This depends on what your eye area needs. If you’re dealing with the appearance of crow’s feet and other eye wrinkles, try the Vine Vera Resveratrol Cabernet High-Potency Eye Cream. Meanwhile, if you’re trying to banish the look of dark circles and puffiness, the Resveratrol Eye Collection Age Defying Eye Serum will help with this!

Extend Your Nighttime Skincare Routine Down to Your Neck and Chest

Neck & Chest Mask

Of course, it’s not just your eye area that should be receiving extra care at night. Your neck and your chest need this too. Although these areas may technically be part of the body rather than the face, the thin skin that covers your neck and chest has more in common with the skin on your face than the skin on your body. 

As a result, your neck and chest should be included in your nighttime skincare routine. This means that all of the products that you apply to your face, from your cleanser and toner to your serums and moisturizer, should be extended down to your neck and chest too.

With that said, if your neck and chest are already showing signs of aging, you may want to invest in a dedicated neck and chest product. The Vine Vera Resveratrol Tightening Neck & Chest Mask, for example, will leave your skin looking so much smoother and firmer. You don’t need to use it every night but giving this area an extra boost every once in a while will make a huge difference.

Pamper With an Overnight Face Mask

Pinot Noir Phyto Silk Mask

Want to supercharge your nighttime skincare routine even more? Try adding in an overnight face mask. Unlike other face masks, which are removed after 10-15 minutes, overnight masks feature a no-rinse formula. They’re left on the skin all night. This gives the ingredients within plenty of time to sink into your skin. This means that they’re often far more effective than a regular face mask.

The Vine Vera Resveratrol Pinot Noir Phyto Silk Mask is a fantastic one to try. It’s full of hydrating ingredients, which, as you know, your skin desperately needs at night. It’s also loaded with a long list of superfruit extracts. Between bilberry, mangosteen, goji berry, pomegranate, and more, you’ll be treating your skin to some of the most potent plant-derived antioxidants around!

Creating the Perfect Nighttime Skincare Routine With Vine Vera

It’s worth spending some time putting together the perfect nighttime routine for your skin. Get this right and you’ll be able to meet all of your skin’s overnight needs, enabling your skin cells to function to their full potential. Be consistent with your routine, as well as the tips that we’ve shared above, and it won’t be long before you start to see some big improvements in your complexion!

Click here to enhance your nighttime skincare routine with more bestselling products from Vine Vera.

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