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The 5 Skincare Products You Need This Summer

Vine Vera skincare products for summer

Our wardrobes evolve as the seasons change, and so should our beauty routines. Just like the sweaters and coats rotate to the back of our closets when the summer starts creeping in, our skincare routines deserve to shed a few layers in the summertime.

Skincare Products for Summer

Shelf of Vine Vera skincare products for summer

When it comes to summer-appropriate skincare, the rules are fairly simple. Here’s Vine Vera’s take on things:

Double up on the protection, but keep textures lightweight.

With temperatures rising and the summer sunshine demanding to be felt, the last thing you want is for your skincare to pile on heavy and feel grimy throughout the day. After all, warmer weather should equate to fewer steps, lighter formulations.

But how exactly can we care for our skin while streamlining our skincare products for summer?

It’s easier than it sounds. Like every regimen, a summer-ready skincare routine should start with a solid foundation—one rooted in carefully selected ingredients.

It’s even more important while being on a sunny vacation as you will probably spend even more time outdoors.

This is where Vine Vera’s star ingredient, resveratrol, comes in. 

Known as the red grape antioxidant, resveratrol is derived from the skin and seed of red grapes. Resveratrol is a perfectly valid reason to increase your red wine intake. We’ll raise a glass to that, but that’s not where this resveratrol’s abilities end.

See, to enjoy resveratrol’s benefits, you’d need to drink copious amounts of wine — around 1,000 bottles in a day, to be exact. However, there is another way to reap the benefits of this supercharged plant compound:

The answer is working it into your skincare routine, especially when it comes to skincare products for summer.

Transition into the warmer seasons with a resveratrol-rich skincare routine. Start with these five skincare products for summer:

Resveratrol Vitamin C Cleanser

Vine Vera Vitamin C Cleanser

The beach, the melting ice cream cones, the scorching heat — for most of us, the summer rings synonymous with sweat-slick skin and fun in the sun.

At the end of a warm day, there’s nothing quite like washing your face to give your skincare products for summer a clean canvas to work their magic on.

Vine Vera’s Resveratrol Vitamin C Cleanser is the ideal candidate for the job. A refreshing gel-type formula, this cleanser lifts dirt and grime off the face without excessively stripping the skin of its moisture.

Besides resveratrol, this cleanser has another core ingredient: vitamin C. If you grew up taking vitamin C supplements, you’ll know just how crucial this ingredient is for keeping your health in check. In the realm of skincare, you could say vitamin C plays just as big a role. Not only does it minimize the look of fine lines and wrinkles, but it also brightens the appearance of dark spots and a dull skin tone.

To use, every morning and evening, apply a small amount of cleanser on to wet skin. Massage it into the skin in circular motions, then rinse off with warm water.

Resveratrol Cabernet High Potency Cellular Peel

Vine Vera Cabernet Peel

Skincare products for summer should be light, potent but effective. For days when you want to double up on cleansing, consider reaching for Vine Vera’s Resveratrol Cabernet High Potency Cellular Peel. 

Despite what the name may sound like, this product won’t have your skin flaking and peeling. Instead, it will slough off dead skin cells to reveal a healthier-looking complexion — perfect for makeup-free summer days.

Unlike physical exfoliators with chunky particles that can cause micro-scars, the Resveratrol Cabernet High Potency Cellular Peel gently does away with dead cells by breaking down stubborn, flaky skin.

Although this product isn’t harshly formulated, remember that with great power comes great responsibility—even in skincare. Like all exfoliators, Vine Vera’s Resveratrol Cabernet High Potency Cellular Peel should be used moderately. Once or twice a week, apply a quarter-sized amount to the face then rinse off with cool water.

Resveratrol Pinot Noir Longevity Serum

Vine Vera Pinot Noir Serum

Unlike cleansers and wash-off exfoliators, serums and essences stay on your skin throughout the day and all night long. They’ll contain potent active ingredients, usually in higher concentrations, to deliver optimal results to the skin.

Vine Vera’s Resveratrol Pinot Noir Longevity Serum is full of potent extracts and vitamins to restore the skin’s radiant glow. Let’s dive into the product’s ingredient list:

  • Glycerin, to hydrate the skin
  • Retinyl palmitate, otherwise known as vitamin A palmitate
  • Lactic acid, which can work wonders to lessen the look of fine lines

Fair warning: it usually isn’t advisable for lactic acid and retinol to be combined in a routine — let alone in a single product. But there’s no need to fret: retinyl palmitate is the gentlest out of the four kinds of retinol.

By combining it with a cocktail of antioxidants and hydrators, retinyl palmitate is gentle enough not to cause dryness or irritation. But remember, it’s always a good idea to patch test products before adding them to your regimen!

To use the Resveratrol Pinot Noir Longevity Serum, apply a small amount on clean skin daily.

Cabernet Rejuvenation Facial & Eye Mask

Vine Vera masks

Picture this: kicking back on a summer evening, sticking your nose in a book, or devouring a new series, all while treating yourself to a relaxing face mask. Rather than a regular fixture in your round-up of skincare products for summer, think of the Cabernet Rejuvenation Facial & Eye Mask as a weekly pick-me-up for your skin.

These masks, packed individually and soaked in a powerful mix of skincare actives, pack a punch of hydration — all without leaving a sticky, heavy feeling on the skin.

One of these superstar ingredients is hyaluronic acid. Our skin naturally contains hyaluronic acid, as it helps our cells hold on to water and maintains the look of plumpness. But over time, the amount of hyaluronic acid in our body diminishes, much like collagen and elastin.

When you need reinforcements, take a moment to breathe some life into your skin. Vine Vera’s Cabernet Rejuvenation Facial & Eye Mask makes a perfect addition to your line-up of skincare products for summer, especially if your skin is feeling dehydrated or fatigued.

Cap off your summer weekends right with Vine Vera Resveratrol Cabernet Cabernet Rejuvenating Facial and Eye Mask. To use the facial mask, place the soft sheet on a clean face. Leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing with cool water. When your eyes feel heavy from late nights or too much screen time, carefully apply the eye mask and rinse off after 10 minutes. 

Resveratrol Cabernet Replenishing Moisture Cream SPF 30

Vine Vera SPF cream

Some may think that you can skip moisturizing on warmer days, but the heat and humidity make this step even more important. Here’s why:

Needless to say, your selection of skincare products for summer should include a moisturizer — albeit one with a lightweight, non-greasy formulation.

With moisturizing ingredients and sunscreen actives, you can count on Vine Vera’s Resveratrol Cabernet Replenishing Moisture Cream SPF 30 only to keep your skin’s moisture in check while shielding it from UV damage, too.

This product contains a total of five sunscreen ingredients, effectively filtering both UVA and UVB rays. Octisalate sunscreen also lends water resistance to the moisture cream, helping the product last through sweaty summer days. 

To use, generously apply the Vine Vera Resveratrol Cabernet Replenishing Moisture Cream SPF 30 onto clean skin. To allow the product to seep into the skin effectively, apply 15 minutes before sun exposure. 


With exquisite ingredients, lightweight formulations, and multitasking resveratrol at the center of your routine, there’s no need to worry about products feeling too heavy throughout the day. Seamlessly transition into the warmer months with scientifically formulated, thoughtfully curated skincare products for summer. 

Looking for more skincare products to take you through the seasons? Discover more resveratrol-infused skincare innovations from Vine Vera.

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9 Must-Try Skincare Ingredients for Dry Skin

Woman applying face cream

If there is anything that gives a woman sleepless nights, it is bad skin. Not only does dry skin look rough and patchy, but it can also literally keep you up at night by feeling itchy and irritating.

Fortunately, a good moisturizer is all that you need to put things right. Take for example the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream; it has been formulated by Vine Vera to answer all of your dry skin concerns.

A high-end product like the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream by Vine Vera is the golden goose you should never underestimate. This product includes just about every ingredient that you could need for skin that feels supple and replenished. 

Let’s take a look at the key ingredients your moisturizer should have. You’ll find them all in the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream, as well as in several other Vine Vera products

Vine Vera Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream

Vitamin E

Any skin product that has Vitamin E compound in it will expressly give you glowing, healthy-looking skin. Most high-end products, just like the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream by Vine Vera, are packed with this antioxidant.

Check out the Vine Vera Malbec DNA Collection for even more vitamin E goodness.

Hyaluronic Acid

This is yet another wonder-working humectant. You will love the instant effect it will have on your dehydrated skin. Dehydration of the skin happens when skin cells don’t have enough water and you don’t use a good moisturizer.

Hyaluronic acid counters this almost immediately. It draws in moisture from the environment and holds onto it, giving your skin an instant plumper look.

Make the most of hyaluronic acid by also adding it to your eye care routine with the Vine Vera Cabernet 60 Second Eye Solution.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

This superhero has been around for centuries doing what it does best. Answering all your skin problems. Aloe vera will soothe and pamper the feel of your damaged skin back to perfection.

Many products on the market, including the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream, are packed with aloe vera gel specifically to moisturize dry skin. This is why aloe vera is also one of the star ingredients in Vine Vera’s Chianti Collection


If your skin is dry and mature, a product that contains resveratrol is the ultimate answer for you. This ingredient is great for reducing the appearance of skin aging.

Let Vine Vera explain why this ingredient is a buzz of activity right now, and why it’s one of the star ingredients that you’ll find in every Vine Vera product

Not only does it minimize the look of fine lines and wrinkles, but it also leaves the skin looking plump, tight, and beautifully healthy.

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid is dry skin’s best friend, but, then again, you shouldn’t use it alone for hydration. This humectant is an exfoliant in nature. This makes it an excellent candidate for removing dead skin while still moisturizing your skin.

According to the Mayo Clinic, lactic acid and other emollients are extremely beneficial in a moisturizer. They help the outer part of the skin retain water thus keeping it hydrated. However, there is more to this multitasking ingredient. Any moisturizing cream with lactic acid will lighten and even out the appearance of your skin tone. 


Ceramides are the rage in the cosmetic industry right now. It is like a new goldmine is up for grabs and everybody is scrambling to get a share of it. This fatty acid makes up 50% of your outer skin, can you believe that? You probably won’t until you hear more.

Ceramides are all about keeping the skin feeling moisturized. Use them regularly and your skin will look softer and smoother.

Shea Butter

Shea butter in bowls and spoon

Shea butter is a known secret among cosmetics manufacturers. It has become a must-have ingredient over the years because of how it reduces the look of inflammation and plumps up the appearance of the skin.

Now for the other part of the story. The reason why Vine Vera has included shea butter in the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream is because of its high concentration of fatty acids. Shea butter also contains powerful vitamins that leave the skin feeling smoothed and conditioned.

While the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream is designed for the face, this doesn’t mean that your body needs to miss out on that shea butter goodness. Treat it to the Intensive Shea Body Butter from Vine Vera and watch it glow!


Petrolatum may sound scary, but it actually does a terrific job of keeping dry and flaky skin feeling moisturized.

If you have combination skin, then avoid applying this ingredient to oily areas. It can be comedogenic, meaning that it could trigger breakouts on those parts of your face. 


A humectant is a property that pulls water to your skin, just like hyaluronic acid. However, glycerin has also been the holy grail in the beauty industry for its moisture-binding properties.

It’s one that those with dry skin should definitely seek out. In addition to the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream, you’ll also find glycerin in the Vine Vera Body Cream. After all, your body needs some TLC too!

3 Components Your Moisturizer Should Contain

Woman with hand in face cream jar

While individual ingredients are important to understand, there are also certain ingredient groups that you should be looking out for in a moisturizer. Those with oily skin don’t need all three, but those with dry skin definitely do:


Humectants are hydrogen bonds that connect and draw water to themselves. They are used in lotions, creams, and other beauty products to attract and preserve moisture in your skin. The main purpose of a humectant is to draw water from the air through your epidermis right to the deepest parts of your skin.


An emollient is an ingredient in your beauty product that is responsible for soothing and softening the feel of your skin. They do this by increasing the moisture level of your skin. Emollients are designed to work in just the way the sebum of your skin does.

Severely damaged skin is cracked from the epidermis and it requires a strong property for healing. An emollientbased skincare product will fill in the appearance of those cracks and lock moisture deep in the skin. 


Occlusives are moisturizing agents found in your skincare products. They form a layer on the surface of your skin to prevent any harm from foreign properties. They also act as a barrier against moisture loss. A good moisturizer should contain one or more occlusives to make it beneficial to your skin.

5 Main Causes of Dry Skin

Woman looking at skin in mirror

When you are a self-conscious woman, you realize that skin problems can seem endless, especially when you have dry skin. However, if you invest in good credible products, like the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream by Vine Vera, things might work better for you. But, even with that, you first need to get to the root cause of the chaos on your skin. Here are some of the major culprits for your perpetual dry skin:

Hereditary Genes

The first thing you need to rule out when finding the root cause of your skin dryness is the hereditary genes. The skin issues some of us are nursing were probably passed down by our great grandmothers. A study indicates that mutations in hereditary genes are responsible for severely dry skin problems.

If you are prone to dry skin, you are likely to have severe skin issues such as acne, eczema, dermatitis among other stubborn problems. Now back to the drawing board. Once you have established that your dry skin problems are a result of hereditary genes, look for a good moisturizer that soothes and treats your skin problems.

Harsh Products and Soaps

Washing your skin with severe soap products can result in severe skin problems such as dry skin. Avoid using regular bar soap and detergents that are designed for other purposes such as cleaning utensils and clothes. They are packed with harsh ingredients meant for removing dirt and tough stains.

Go for products specially designed to condition the feel of the skin as they cleanse. The Vine Vera Resveratrol Vitamin C Cleanser is a great example! 


We all love to look good and smell nice at the same time. However, most fragrances are the perpetual enemy to your skin. Especially the alcohol-based. It can dry up your skin and cause serious problems such as acne and eczema. Dry skin is allergic to so many things and you just need to be careful with what comes into contact with it.

When purchasing a skincare product, make it a habit to read the leaflets or the label. Always pick a fragrance-free product. However, if you just can’t get over fragrances, ensure that your product contains botanical oils. These oils have safe natural fragrances and are gentle on the skin.

Long, Hot Showers

If you have dry skin, cut back on those long and hot showers. For the good of your skin and to maintain that glow, opt for warm or cool water and minimize the time you stand under the shower. Hot water strips the skin of its natural oils, leaving it parched.


If you have had good skin all through your youthful years and suddenly your skin is acting up, that is a sign of age finally catching up. Fortunately, there are good products that work well to bring back youthfully smooth and supple skin even in your sunset years. Take for example the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream by Vine Vera. You should also look into some of the other collections on the Vine Vera website. 


If you haven’t been giving your skin the pampering it deserves, it is time to begin. Dry skin has never been easy on anyone. Trying a new product is always like walking on eggshells. You introduce a new product; a carnage of issues ensue. Fortunately, you won’t experience that with the Cabernet Collection Moisture Day Cream from Vine Vera. Shop the cream here and watch the appearance of that dryness and flakiness disappear! 

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Can Resveratrol Really Reduce the Appearance of Skin Aging?

Vine Vera product

What if we told you that Vine Vera has found the magical ingredient that can reduce the visible signs of aging?

Resveratrol, a chemical compound found in the skins and peels of grapes and berries, and even red wine might be your best bet in keeping the appearance of pesky wrinkles and crow’s feet at bay.

What is Resveratrol?

red grapes

It’s not as simple as downing a bottle of merlot with your dinner; resveratrol is a polyphenol, a type of chemical compound with antioxidant properties.

Resveratrol-infused skincare makes an excellent addition to your nightly skin-restoring routine because our skin rejuvenates itself when we sleep.

That’s why Vine Vera, a skincare brand committed to delivering products that will transform the look of your skin, offers the very best of resveratrol-based skincare that you can add to your facial regimen.

Vine Vera resveratrol skincare boasts a potent cocktail of effective ingredients to help you achieve that glowing, youthful finish you have been vying for.

Why Resveratrol?

So, how does resveratrol affect your skin, and why do dermatologists love this ingredient?

There are numerous benefits of resveratrol for the skin:

  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles
  • Reduces the look of redness
  • Keeps skin feeling hydrated

Reducing the Appearance of Wrinkles

Woman with eye cream

The leading cause of aging is ultraviolet (UV) damage to the skin, so using skincare that contains resveratrol can help your skin look and feel more youthful.

That’s why with the long-term usage of Vine Vera resveratrol skincare, you can be sure that you’ll achieve those #SkinGoals in no time!

Reduces the Look of Redness

Skin redness might be a sign of skin irritation, making it essential to incorporate skincare with calming ingredients into your routine.

Studies have demonstrated that resveratrol is able to reduce the look of inflammation in the skin, calming the appearance of redness.

Dubbed as the ‘longevity molecule’, it also improves the overall radiance of your skin.

Banking on this skin-loving ingredient, Vine Vera resveratrol skincare can do wonders for your complexion.

Leaves the Skin Feeling Hydrated

Resveratrol has been shown to give the skin a hydrated feeling, reducing the look of dryness. 

Keeping your skin hydrated is a crucial part of skincare.

Why? Because a lack of moisture weakens the skin’s lipid barrier. This makes it easier for irritants and microbes to penetrate.

Besides combatting dullness, having well-moisturized skin can also give you skin that looks and feels more elastic.

Vine Vera Resveratrol Skincare

A brand that stands firmly behind its cruelty-free policy, Vine Vera uses resveratrol in every product, on top of other beneficial ingredients, to give your skin that extra boost.

Our products use only the best and most luxurious ingredients to diminish the visible signs of aging.

Vine Vera resveratrol skincare products are worth the splurge. From eye care to serums, face masks, and exfoliators, you’ll find the perfect formula your skin needs!

Pamper Your Body with the Lush Formula of Vine Vera’s Body Cream

Vine Vera body cream

Vine Vera’s Body Cream makes skin radiance very easy to achieve. This deeply moisturizing formula is chock-full of humectants that’ll leave your skin feeling soft to the touch.

The main ingredient in this body cream is glycerin, a humectant. 

Studies have proved that glycerin is ‘the most effective humectant’ because of its moisture-binding properties.

Combat the Appearance of Aging with the Resveratrol Chianti Revival Serum 

Vine Vera serum

Named after the ruby red wine, this Vine Vera resveratrol skin care product is a lush serum that will make a massive difference in your routine.

In addition to resveratrol, it contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C), peptides, and sodium hyaluronate to diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Your skin will feel softer, more radiant, and refreshed with the Resveratrol Chianti Revival Serum.

The Resveratrol Malbec DNA Melting Pre-Mask Mildly Exfoliates to Reveal Fresh-Looking Skin

Vine Vera resveratrol skin care products

This Vine Vera resveratrol skincare product helps your skin prepare for the Vine Vera facial mask selection.

It’s a unique pre-mask that’s formulated with Sweet Almond Oil, vitamins, and Resveratrol. When applied to the skin, this treatment melts into a silky oil that becomes a clarifying foam.

Massage this groundbreaking product onto your dry skin in a circular motion. Once the gel has liquefied into an oil, apply water to activate the foam.

A Way to Instantly Reduce the Visibility of Wrinkles: Resveratrol Shiraz Instentic Non-Surgical Syringe™ 

Vine Vera syringe - resveratrol skin aging

Packed with powerful ingredients like Resveratrol Ferment extract, vitamin E (Tocopheryl Acetate) derivative, Hyaluronic Acid, and Avocado Oil, this innovative formulation reduces the appearance of deep wrinkles.

While the product is designed to look like a syringe, fret not! There’s no actual needle; it just provides the appearance of injectable cosmetics that gives your skin that taut, youthful look.

You can rest assured that the non-surgical syringe is painless and does not need to penetrate the skin. Instead, it delivers the serum to fine lines and wrinkles to apply the product.

Wash Your Face with the Resveratrol Moscato Sensitive Skin Cleanser 

Vine Vera resveratrol skin care cleanser

Have you got sensitive skin?

Here’s a cleanser that we’ve designed just for you…

Formulated to reduce the feeling of irritation on sensitive skin, the product’s texture is light and gel-like, allowing it to be applied easily.

If Rough-Feeling Skin is Your Concern, Try Vine Vera’s Resveratrol Vitamin C Moisturizer.

Vine Vera vitamin C cream

Combining two superhero ingredients, vitamin C and resveratrol, this potent Vine Vera resveratrol skincare product is fortified with Pro-Vitamin B5. 

Apply it to cleansed skin, either after using a serum or instead of using a serum.

Harness the Power of Roses and Resveratrol with the Resveratrol Zinfandel Illuminating Petal Peel System.

Vine Vera resveratrol skincare products

Not only do roses smell great, but they also contain vitamin C, which leaves the skin looking brighter and tighter.

The Resveratrol Zinfandel Illuminating Petal Peel System consists of:

  • Rose-veratrol Petal-Peel Powder
  • Activating Petal-Peel Gel
  • Correcting Petal-Peel Capsules

This one-of-a-kind set can enhance your complexion’s appearance, making you look fairer and radiant.

The Vine Vera resveratrol skincare system contains diatomite, collagen, and rosebud powder, which are especially beneficial for getting rid of the appearance of discoloration and dull skin.

All in all, Vine Vera resveratrol skincare is the best investment you can make for your skin. You’ll find high-quality ingredients, capable of truly transforming the look of your complexion, in each one of our products. 

Reset the feeling of your skin and bring back its youthful glow with Vine Vera resveratrol skincare today! 

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8 Things You Need to Know About Vine Vera’s 60 Second Eye Solution

Vine Vera eye solution

Have you been eyeing up the Vine Vera Eye Solution but can’t decide whether or not it’s worth the splurge?

Here at Vine Vera, we believe that the skin is something worth investing in. We also believe that everybody should be making an educated and informed choice when it comes to the products that they apply to their skin. So, to help you with your decision, here are 8 things that you should know about the Vine Vera Cabernet 60 Second Eye Solution before you buy it.

The Vine Vera Eye Solution Produces Instant Results

Woman looking at skin in mirror

There aren’t many topical, non-invasive products out there that are able to produce instant results, which is what often first appeals to people about the Vine Vera 60 Second Eye Solution. That’s right, you’ll notice results pretty much immediately after using the product.

What exactly are these instant results?

The 60 Second Eye Solution primarily targets the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Whether you’ve got a few light creases appearing around your eyes or your crow’s feet are looking deeper by the day, this formula will leave your skin looking smooth and wrinkle-free.

Sounds good, right? It gets even better…

The way in which the Vine Vera Eye Solution gives the skin a smoother finish also means that any puffiness under your eyes becomes much less visible.

You’re probably now wondering how this product actually works. Fair question – if you’ve already tried it, then you’ll know that it seems a bit like magic!

It all comes down to its unique formula. If you take a look at the ingredient list, it isn’t long. We haven’t stuffed this product with unnecessary fillers. Instead, the ingredients that it does contain are among the most powerful in the industry…

Its Formula Contains a Peptide That Immediately Smooths the Look of the Skin

Have you heard of Acetyl Hexpeptide-8? Or how about Argireline?

Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 is a synthetic peptide that relaxes the feel of the skin to smooth away the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Regular Use of the Vine Vera Eye Solution Has Long-Term Benefits

Vine Vera products

Although the instant effects of this formula are temporary, regular use of the product means that you’ll soon be seeing your results sticking around in the long run.


Again, it all comes down to the ingredients used…

The peptides, collagen, and resveratrol used in this formula work together to slowly reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Over time, they’ll give your skin a firmer and tighter look.

The Eye Solution Makes Use of Sodium Hyaluronate Instead of Hyaluronic Acid

You’ve probably heard of hyaluronic acid before. If you haven’t, don’t be scared. Just because this ingredient contains the word “acid” doesn’t mean that it’s dangerous in any way. In fact, hyaluronic acid is a substance that the human body naturally produces. It helps to keep our joints, eyes, and skin lubricated and hydrated. 

So, why’s everyone been talking about this ingredient?

Well, the body ages, the amount of hyaluronic acid it produces declines. This is one reason why the skin loses its plump and radiant look as it grows older.

Topically applying hyaluronic acid to your skin helps to change this. With each application, your skin will pretty much immediately take on a plumper, smoother, and brighter appearance, making it no surprise that it’s become so popular in skincare.

Wondering why we’re talking about hyaluronic acid when the Vine Vera Eye Solution doesn’t contain it?

That’s because the Eye Solution contains sodium hyaluronate instead. Sodium hyaluronate is the salt form of hyaluronic acid. This means that the size of its molecules are much smaller, which allows it to penetrate deeper into your skin.

Does this mean that sodium hyaluronate is better than hyaluronic acid?

In some ways, yes. They both have the same effects when it comes to plumping and hydrating the appearance of the skin. The difference lies in the fact that hyaluronic acid targets the surface layer of your skin. On the other hand, sodium hyaluronate targets the deeper layers.

The Vine Vera Eye Solution contains sodium hyaluronate for how it can both instantly plump the look of the skin and effectively moisturize it too.

The Vine Vera Eye Solution Formula Doesn’t Contain Any Harmful Ingredients


If you take a look at the ingredient lists on the majority of the skincare products you use, chances are that these are several lines long. Sometimes, this is necessary. Here at Vine Vera, we have a few products that are packed with a long list of botanical extracts, such as the Resveratrol Pinot Noir Phyto-Silk Mask.

However, a long ingredient list filled with names that you’ve never heard of doesn’t exactly instill confidence in a product. Plus, it then takes a lot of online searching to make sure that you’re not putting anything harmful on your skin!

Fortunately, this isn’t a problem with the Vine Vera 60 Second Eye Solution. The ingredient list isn’t too long. Most of the names on there are recognizable, meaning that you immediately know that they’re safe.

The ingredients that you may not have heard of before are as follows:

  • Sodium Silicate – this salt helps to stabilize the pH level of the eye solution, which keeps all of the other ingredients within working well
  • Magnesium Aluminum Silicate – this ingredient acts as a thickener, making it vital when it comes to achieving optimal product consistency for maximum skin penetration
  • Mica – a natural mineral that leaves the skin with an instant glow
  • Titanium dioxide and iron oxide – both of these ingredients are natural minerals that brighten the look of the skin

The Innovative Applicator Means That a Little Goes a Long Way

When it comes to skincare formulas containing powerful ingredients, it’s always best to minimize the amount of time it takes for that product to travel from its jar to your skin.

Chances are, you usually apply a product onto your fingertips first. You then use your fingertips to apply that product to your skin.

While this may be the most common application method for skincare products, it does also mean that the formula’s active ingredients will start to penetrate into the skin on your fingers, before it actually reaches your face. As you can imagine, this then leads to that product not working as well as it otherwise might have done.

The Vine Vera Eye Solution has found a way around that. Its unique packaging comes with an applicator that you can use to apply the eye solution directly to the skin around your eyes, skipping the fingertip stage in the middle.

This then allows your skin to gain maximum benefits from all of the ingredients in the eye solution, meaning that you won’t need to use quite so much of it to reach your skincare goals. The fact that the product only needs to be used weekly also means that it will last for a while. Of course, you could always just save it for special occasions. However, as mentioned above, regular use means long-term benefits!

The Vine Vera Eye Solution Has Not Been Tested on Animals

Botanicals in lab

In this day and age, cosmetic products really don’t need to be tested on animals. Science has come such a long way over the years, and there are now so many methods for testing how safe a product is that do not include animal exploitation.

Although many countries haven’t banned animal testing, those that are against the act choose to boycott brands that continue on with this unnecessarily.

As you can tell, animal testing is definitely not something that Vine Vera partakes in. We are able to guarantee the safety of our products, including our Eye Solution, without testing them on animals, and this is something that our customers really do appreciate.

The Vine Vera Eye Solution Packaging is Recyclable

Sustainability is huge these days. While it may be nothing more than a buzzword to some brands, here at Vine Vera we try to keep things as eco-friendly and as sustainable as possible.

A while ago, we took the necessary steps to ensure that all of our product packaging is recyclable. This applies to the Vine Vera 60 Second Eye Solution too, so be sure to recycle your packaging once you’re done with the product!

Ready to Transform Your Skin?

There’s nothing better than a skincare product that can produce instant results, which is why the Vine Vera 60 Second Eye Solution has been such a hit. If you want to give this product a try, it can be purchased directly from the Vine Vera website. Shipping within the USA is free of charge, but we also ship to countries all over the world for a flat rate – this means that you can shop to your heart’s desire, without having to worry about a sky-high shipping fee.

If you have any questions about the Eye Solution, feel free to get in touch with us by either leaving a comment on this blog post or sending us a message through social media.

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Vine Vera Reviews: The Pinot Noir Collection

Vine Vera Pinot Noir Collection

Looking to diminish the appearance of aging and damage on your skin? On the hunt for tried and tested skincare products to rejuvenate the look of your skin?

Sounds like Vine Vera’s Pinot Noir Collection is perfect for you!

This collection boasts products packed with the best ingredients, which will surely make your skin look brighter, softer, and younger in no time!

If you’re excited to learn more about this collection, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll provide you with a detailed background regarding each product from this line. We’ll also have Vine Vera reviews and other in-depth insights regarding the brand’s Pinot Noir Collection.

Let’s dive in!

All about Vine Vera

Vine Vera serums

To have a better understanding and appreciation of these products, let’s first talk about the brand Vine Vera.

A global skincare brand that formulates products for every gender and skin type, Vine Vera strives to help customers feel good about their skin. 

Vine Vera’s goal is to deliver the skin a lush, luxe experience. Through products that pamper and care for the skin, Vine Vera hopes to transform the way their customers look at their skin and their skincare routine.

Does this sound exciting to you? Let’s now delve deeper into their Pinot Noir Collection.

Vine Vera Reviews: The Pinot Noir Collection

Vine Vera’s Pinot Noir Collection features 6 different skincare products designed to restore the look of your skin’s youthful glow, and fight off the visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. These products work best alongside each other to pamper your skin.

Made with only the best ingredients, the Pinot Noir collection is all about making your skin feel baby smooth. These claims are only supported by countless accounts in the Vine Vera Reviews Section.

Want to know why this collection works? Let’s do an in-depth account of each product in the line:

Resveratrol Pinot Noir Longevity Serum

Pinot Noir serum

The first item in the collection is the Resveratrol Pinot Noir Longevity Serum, which claims to help minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other visible signs of skin aging. This serum is perfect for those who struggle with dryness and rough-feeling skin.

This serum contains three major ingredients that target different skin concerns: Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A), Citrus Fruit Extract (Vitamin C), and Hyaluronic Acid. Of course, this serum also features our star ingredient, Resveratrol Ferment Extract.

This product is meant to be used on a daily basis, at both morning and night, and preferably after your favorite Vine Vera Cleanser. For best results, this is best used in conjunction with the Resveratrol Pinot Noir Longevity Cream.

Resveratrol Pinot Noir Phyto-Silk

Vine Vera product

A silky solution that improves the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines instantly, the Resveratrol Pinot Noir Phyto-Silk is a product that everyone needs to try. This is another product that has received considerable praise in multiple Vine Vera reviews — all thanks to its ability to instantly improve the feel of the skin’s texture in no time.

Made with Resveratrol, Sodium Hyaluronate, and Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, this product contains a different set of ingredients with the same purpose: retaining the skin’s youthful glow, and reversing the appearance of aging.

This product is also best applied on a daily basis as part of your nighttime skincare routine. This is best used in combination with the Resveratrol Pinot Noir Phyto-Silk Mask, which we’ll talk about in a bit.

Resveratrol Pinot Noir Longevity Cream

Next on the line is Vine Vera’s Resveratrol Pinot Noir Longevity Cream. This moisturizing cream features the same essential ingredients as the serum, which all fight the look of aging: Vitamins A and C, along with Resveratrol.

This moisturizing cream works best when paired with the serum in reducing visible signs of aging, hydrating the skin, and improving the look of your skin tone and texture.

Given its ingredients list, it’s no surprise that this cream does wonders in keeping the skin looking youthful. That’s exactly why this product is raved upon in different Vine Vera reviews.

For best results, use this product immediately to end your nighttime skincare routine, preferably after applying the Resveratrol Pinot Noir Longevity Serum.

Resveratrol Pinot Noir Dissolving Pre Mask

Vine Vera Pinot Noir Mask

Vine Vera’s Resveratrol Pinot Noir Dissolving Pre Mask exfoliates and preps the skin for the Pinot Noir Phyto-Silk Mask. This product, unlike most products on this line, focuses more on cleansing the skin and improving the feel of its texture.

Also made with resveratrol, this pre-mask provides the skin with a deeply rejuvenated feeling. But, apart from that, the Pinot Noir Dissolving Pre Mask also works as an exfoliant. This gently removes the impurities on the skin, leaving it feeling soft and smooth.

To use this product, simply apply it to clean skin using circular motions. There is no need to rinse this off; rather, use the Resveratrol Pinot Noir Phyto-Silk Mask afterward.

Resveratrol Pinot Noir Phyto-Silk Mask

The Resveratrol Pinot Noir Phyto-Silk Mask is a leave-on mask that targets the appearance of aging and dryness. Infused with collagen and aloe vera, this will leave the skin feeling softer, smoother, and silkier.

Unlike most masks, this product is gentle enough to be left on the face rather than washed off. With the 

For this product, aloe vera takes the spotlight. This ingredient will leave skin feeling deeply moisturized.

To reap all of these benefits, simply use this product once a week on clean, dry face. Don’t rinse this off; instead follow it up with the Pinot Noir Longevity Serum for best results.

Pinot Noir IV Line Perfector

To conclude our Vine Vera reviews and insights for the Pinot Noir collection, let’s talk about the final product on the line: the Pinot Noir IV Line Perfector.

This product is a concentrated solution that instantly reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Its powerful ingredients help smooth away the visible lines on the face, leaving the face feeling relaxed. It comes with a unique applicator for easier application.

This product can be used daily, or as often as needed. Simply apply a small amount of the product onto the fingertips, then lightly tap this into the skin, focusing on problem areas.

Well, that concludes our run-through of the Pinot Noir Collection from Vine Vera. As you can see, each product in the line was carefully formulated to ensure it can effectively address the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. Through these Vine Vera reviews, we hope we’ve helped you understand the brand a bit better.

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How to Find the Perfect Night Cream for Your Skin

Woman looking at skincare cream

Need a new night cream?

The search for the perfect product can sometimes seem next-to-impossible, but, today, you’re in luck. This Vine Vera guide explains everything that you need to know when looking for a new night cream. 

Can You Use a Day Cream at Night?

woman holding skin cream

Now to quickly address this commonly-asked question: can’t a day cream be used at night too, instead of a dedicated night cream?

Yes, definitely. There’s nothing wrong with using a day cream at night, and this is far better than not using any cream at all.

However, night cream formulas are different from day creams. They are designed to support how your skin cells function at night, which is very different from how they function during the day.

Day Creams vs Night Creams

During the day, your skin has so much environmental stress to deal with. UV radiation, pollution, chemicals…the list goes on. For this reason, your skin really puts up its defences during the day. It spends most of its resources (ie. nutrients, water, energy, and more) on protecting itself. Day creams usually contain protective ingredients to help with this.

On the other hand, once you go to sleep at night, your skin can then focus on healing and repairing damage, creating new skin cells, building collagen and elastin fibers, and so much more. Again, night creams are formulated to support these functions. They contain restorative and strengthening ingredients, which your skin cells will be able to put to immediate use.

So, when it comes down to it, so long as the cream that you’re using contains the ingredients that your skin needs at night, then it’s likely to be a great choice! 

Here are a couple of moisturizers that work well for both day and night:

Resveratrol Vitamin C Moisturizer

Vitamin C is an ingredient that pretty much everybody would benefit from using, making this moisturizer a must-have in your skin care routine, no matter your skin type. Vitamin C is a powerful ingredient that’ll leave skin feeling bright and fortified, while the other botanicals in this cream work to improve the look of skin tone and texture.

Resveratrol Shiraz Instentic Facelift

This silky moisturizer is wonderfully non-greasy, making it a great for those with normal and oily skin types. Its active ingredients include DMAE, which gives the skin a tighter appearance, along with resveratrol, which brightens the look of the skin.

Know Your Skin Type

Woman looking at skin in mirror

Before even starting to look at the various night creams out there, you need to know what your skin type is.


Because the night cream that you use needs to be formulated for your skin type in order for it to provide maximum benefits.

How to Identify Your Skin Type

Not quite sure what your skin type is?

Have a read through the following to see which skin type your skin most resembles:

  • Dry Skin – Feels rough and flaky. Sometimes itchy, easily irritated, and can often feel tight. Look for products that contain humectants, such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid, as well as plant butters and oils
  • Oily Skin – Looks and feels greasy. Prone to acne breakouts. Look for products containing salicylic acid, witch hazel, and retinol. Non-comedogenic oils, such as jojoba oil, can be useful too
  • Combination Skin – A mixture of oily and dry. The oiliness most commonly affects the T-zone, while the dryness affects the cheeks. You’ll need two sets of products, one to target each area of your face
  • Normal Skin – Skin that is perfectly balanced, without any of the above issues. Feel free to experiment with the many exciting skin care products out there!
  • Sensitive Skin – Skin that is prone to redness and irritation. You’ll need ingredients that feel soothing and gentle, such as calendula extract, chamomile extract, and plant butters. Avoid anything heavily fragranced, as fragrances are a big culprit when it comes to triggering skin sensitivities

Keep in mind that your skin type can change, both because of age as well as with the seasons. This means that you’ll need to keep reassessing your skin type in order to ensure that your night cream is always suitable.

One great moisturizer for all skin types is the Resveratrol Malbec DNA Redefying Cream. With its variety of different plant oils and butters, as well as the moisture-binding properties of seaweed extract, this lush moisturizer would be the perfect addition to your skin care routine if you’ve got dry skin. 

Identify Specific Skin Concerns

Woman looking at skin in mirror

Now that we’ve gotten the basics out of the way, it’s time to have a think about the specific skin concerns that you want your night cream to address.

The time during which you are asleep is when your skin works to regenerate and heal itself, making this a great time to use supportive products.

Has your list of skin concerns gotten pretty long?

While there are plenty of night creams out there that promise to multi-task, it’s best looking for one that focuses on one or two specific issues. This way, all of the ingredients within it will be geared towards those specific skin concerns, meaning better results.

So, identify the biggest skin concern that you want to target, along with one or two others. Some of the most common are:

  • The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin that feels rough
  • Visible dark spots
  • Dull and uneven-looking skin

If you’re looking for an effective moisturizer, try the Resveratrol Cabernet High Potency Night Cream. This is a night cream designed to tackle the visible signs of aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. It’s a formula that’s well-suited to dry skin, and is also gentle enough for some sensitive skin types to use without any problems.

While it’s important to focus on your face, don’t forget about your neck and your chest either. These areas age just as quickly as the face, meaning that they need just as much TLC. In addition to using a night cream on your face, try this decadent formula for your neck and chest to keep this part of your body looking smooth, tight, and youthful.

Understand Ingredients

If you’ve come this far, then by now you should know your skin type and have identified the skin concerns you’re looking to treat.

You are now armed with enough information to start your night cream search.

Most skin care websites make it pretty easy to filter out products by skin type and skin concern. However, just because a product’s description promises to target specific issues, this doesn’t mean that you should immediately believe it.

Marketing is a clever thing, and it’s easy to be persuaded and misled by strategically-used words.

Of course, product samples can be useful at this stage. However, many products, especially those that are triggering changes in the deeper layers of your skin, will take a couple of weeks, if not months, to really make a difference. A sample sized product definitely won’t last that long!

So, how do you know if a product is really going to do what its packaging says it does?

That’s simple – take a look at the ingredient list.

Learning How to Read a Skincare Ingredient List

Woman looking at skincare products

All good skincare products will have an ingredient list. If the one you’re considering doesn’t, then steer clear.

However, for those who are new to the world of skin care, that long list of scientific names, many of which may look impossible to pronounce, can seem overwhelming.

Don’t worry – while it may take a bit of time, learning how to read an ingredient list will make you a much smarter skin care shopper in the future.

To start with, look at the order of the ingredients. This will reflect how much of each ingredient has been used in that product. The first ingredient on the list is the one that the majority of the product is made up of, while the last ingredient on the list has been used in very small amounts.

Now, when it comes to the individual ingredients on that list, this is going to require a little research on your part. You want to make sure that the ingredients used are suitable for your skin type, while also being capable of treating your skin concerns. While you don’t need to look up every single ingredient on that list, the first five to ten are the most important.

Ethical and Environmental Values

If ethics and the environment matter to you, then it’s important to make sure that the skin care brands that you use align to these values too. After all, you don’t want to be supporting a business that’s completely opposite something that you strongly believe in.

Animal Testing

One subject that really matters to many is animal testing. While there may not have been much of an alternative to this back in the day, scientific advancements mean that there really is no need to test cosmetic products on animals now.

Here at Vine Vera, animal testing is something that we are very strongly opposed to. We would never test any of our products on animals.

Harmful Preservatives

Preservatives are always going to be a necessity in skin care products. However, while preservatives may have gotten a bad rep over the years, they’re not all bad.

That being said, any brand that does use damaging preservatives is one that you should question. Take parabens as an example. This group of preservatives has been strongly linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues. They have also been found in the bodies of marine animals, showing devastating environmental effects.

For this reason, you won’t find any parabens in Vine Vera skincare products.


Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to people. Make sure that your chosen skin care brand holds up to sustainability standards. Packaging should be easily recyclable, and any botanical ingredients used should be sustainable to grow and harvest.

Set a Budget

Woman with credit card and laptop

When it comes to the many different skin care products out there, there are some that are worth investing in more than others, and a night cream is one of them.

A good night cream will truly look after your skin while you sleep, allowing you to wake up to complexion that looks perfectly healthy. This is a product that is worth spending a little extra on, even if this means that you need to cut your budget back in other areas of your skin care routine.

Plus, now that you understand how to find the perfect night cream, chances are that you won’t be willing to settle for anything less, even if that means spending a little bit more!

Found a night cream that you really cannot afford?

Be patient – you may find that it is put on sale in the near future. Signing up for that brand’s newsletter can help to ensure that you’re in-the-know when new sales are available.

Many brands, including Vine Vera, also offer giveaways and discount codes on social media, so click on that follow button!

It’s Time to Find the Perfect Night Cream!

When you first get started, shopping for a night cream can seem stressful. However, once you know more about what you’re looking for, and can also understand those crazy ingredient lists, the process becomes much more enjoyable. It’s a great feeling to be able to take control of your skin’s needs, and taking the time to find the perfect night cream is a good way to get started.

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Is Your Oily Skin Dehydrated?

Woman looking at skin in mirror

Many people believe that if you have oily skin, it couldn’t possibly get dehydrated. Right?


With the changing of the seasons and with the influence of different factors, many people suffer from skin dehydration, whether they have normal, dry, oily skin, or a combination of the three.

The struggle with this skin condition is real, and in order to achieve well-hydrated skin, you have to first understand your skin type and its condition, and take effective steps towards solving the problem. Don’t worry if this sounds confusing – Vine Vera is here to help! Read on to learn more…

How to Deal with Oily Dehydrated Skin

Woman applying skin product

We’ll explain more about how to pinpoint whether your skin is oily and dehydrated further down. However, if you already know that you’re in this boat, here’s what you can do about it:

Use a Mild Cleanser

When we say mild cleanser, we mean a cleanser that is devoid of all the heavy, harmful chemicals. Until your skin restores its water, try to use a gentle cleanser, such as the Vine Vera Resveratrol Vitamin C Cleanser

And, don’t forget, the water with which you clean your face mustn’t be too hot, or too cold, it needs to be just right, or in this case, lukewarm.

Use a Serum

If you add a serum that specifically targets dehydration to your skin routine, you are increasing your chances of solving the problem faster. Unlike moisturizers, a serum penetrates the skin faster due to its smaller molecules, and helps your skin better retain water. If you don’t yet have a go-to serum, give the Vine Vera Resveratrol Vitamin C Serum a try! 


Many are fooled by thinking that if they have oily skin, they mustn’t moisturize. However, moisturizing helps our skin retain moisture more effectively. Be sure to look for a good moisturizer that is made for oily skin. That way, you will regulate that shiny finish, while also hydrating your skin.

One good example would be the Vine Vera Resveratrol Chianti Morning Recovery. Not only does it contain plenty of moisturizing ingredients, but it’s also formulated with licorice root extract, which leaves skin looking brighter.

Don’t Forget About Sun Protection

The sun will only worsen both your oiliness and your dehydration, making sun protection a must. While a dedicated sunscreen is great, it can sometimes be more convenient to use a moisturizer that already contains SPF. This way, each time you reapply it, you’ll also be hydrating your skin a little bit more.

SPF30 is the way to go, such as with the Vine Vera Resveratrol Cabernet Replenishing Moisture Cream SPF30. This moisturizer/sunscreen doesn’t contain any pore-clogging ingredients, yet it’s still incredibly hydrating. This makes it a great choice for those with oily and dehydrated skin.

How Many Skin Types Are There and Which One is Mine?

Woman looking at skin in mirror

In order to determine which type your skin belongs to, you need to observe several factors – how much water there is in your skin, how oily it is and how sensitive it is. The water in the skin determines how elastic your skin is going to be, and the oil its softness.

Although we would all like to have the normal skin type and be devoid of all the troubles that go with for example, dry or oily skin, not many are fortunate enough. Yes, normal skin is not an attribute of the majority, whereas oily and dry skin is.

But let’s first go back a notch and see what skin type you actually are.

Normal Skin Type

The main feature of this skin type could be described in the same way Goldilocks describes the beds in the bears’ house: not too soft, not too hard, but just right.

Indeed, if you have a normal skin type, you certainly have a perfect balance of softness and firmness, and oiliness and dryness. You show no or little sensitivity to outer or inner irritants, and have a radiant complexion with barely visible pores.

Oh, how we envy you!

Dry Skin Type

Having dry skin could be painful most of the time, because the dryness of the skin affects its elasticity. Namely, if you have dry skin, you are more likely to have significantly less elasticity which can, more often than not, cause very painful skin breakage.

The complexion of people with dry skin usually feels dull and rough. The skin is covered with red patches, especially in the winter month, when every type of skin is especially prone to get drier. This part of the year is particularly problematic and painful for the people with dry skin.

The other factors that usually make matters worse are: genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, UV rays, long hot baths and some ingredients in the products you use on your skin, which can cause your skin to show signs of irritation.

Unfortunately, due to your skin losing its elasticity, you are more likely to have visible lines and other signs of aging.

In order to solve these problems, you have to help your skin stay hydrated. Rich skincare products that are designed for dry skin are what you need, such as the Resveratrol Pinot Noir Longevity Cream from Vine Vera. 

Oily Skin Type

If you are asking yourself who is having a rougher time, people with dry or oily skin, the answer is – everybody! Each side has its own problems.

The main features oily skin are enlarged pores, dull complexion or an overly shiny one, blackheads and other skin blemishes. Oily skin is more prone to acne breakouts. The reason for this lies in the fact that oily skin produces extra sebum which is clogging the pores, and causing inflammations.

The level of “oiliness” of your skin can change during time, and can be a consequence of many different factors: puberty, stress, hormonal changes, too much humidity, or a wrong product you are applying on your skin.

In order to look after your oily skin, you need to wash it regularly, exfoliate at least once a week, and, for crying out loud, don’t ever squeeze the pimples, because if you do, it will take you forever to heal.

We should always look on the brighter side, though. Oily skin is less likely to get wrinkles.

Combination Skin Type

This type of skin has all of the features of all the different skin types. One part of the skin can be normal, the other part oily and the other one extremely dry.

People with combination skin usually have problems with their T-zone (nose, forehead and chin).

Unfortunately, the range of problems one might have with this type of skin is very wide. You could have enlarged pores and acne breakout on one hand, and skin breakage on the other.

The proper way of treating this type of skin includes different types of products and individual treatment for different zones.

Skin Condition vs. Skin Type

Woman looking at skin in mirror

Now that we have explained the difference between different skin types, we hope that you have managed to determine which one is yours.

When we talk about skin, it is important to make a difference between your skin type and the skin condition you might have.

Skin type includes the general features your skin has, whereas skin condition is something you might get due to different external and internal factors, and it is usually of temporary nature.

The external factors that cause the appearance of a certain skin condition include: poor nutrition, climate, exposure to outer irritants and your skincare routine. On the other hand, internal factors include the fluctuation of hormonal levels, stress levels and natural aging process.

There are five basic types of skin conditions and those include aging skin, dehydrated skin, sensitive skin, skin pigmentation and blemish prone skin.

Aging Skin

Even though there are other types of skin conditions that are more serious, this one seems to affect us the most. Throughout years, decades, even centuries, emphasis has been put on slowing down the aging process, and making your skin look younger and fresher. That is why it comes as no surprise that most skincare products today are designed to slow down the ageing process.

(If you’re looking for a product that’ll reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, try the Resveratrol Vitamin C Moisturizer from Vine Vera.)

Sensitive Skin

If you easily break out in rashes and if your skin is itchy most of the time, then you are considered to have sensitive skin. Unfortunately, this condition has a number of possible causes ranging from genetic factors to different environmental influences. In order to take care of this condition and relieve yourself of uneasiness and discomfort you might have, it is best to try to avoid the detrimental outside irritants and apply different skincare products.

Skin Pigmentation

Next to aging skin, this is one of the conditions that troubles people the most. Hormonal changes and genetic predisposition are the likeliest reason behind the change, as well as UV radiation which is only making it worse. UV rays cause the overproduction of melanin, which is responsible for the color of your skin. By adding any product that has additional Vitamin A in it, you could find a solution to your problem and get a nice and radiant complexion.

Blemish-Prone Skin

This condition is mostly found with people with oily skin. It occurs when the area around the hair follicles gets congested with oil and dead skin cells. Various factors affect your skin to become blemish-prone – hormonal changes, diet and environment.

Again, salvation could be found in finding a proper cleanser and adopting a proper skincare routine which will clean your skin properly and give it appropriate nourishment.

Dehydrated Skin – Everybody’s Problem

Dull and tired skin is certainly something that nobody wants to have. However, when your skin has problems with keeping the moisture in, it begins to flake and crack. Those are the first signs of your skin lacking moisture.

As it has previously been mentioned, even though there is a misconception that only people with dry skin suffer from dehydration, this is not true. Every type of skin can suffer from dehydration, even the oily one. 

Signs Your Oily Skin is Dehydrated

Woman scratching skin

Think that your oily skin may be dehydrated? Here’s how to know for sure…

The Appearance of Dark Circles and Dullness

When your skin is dehydrated, it loses its radiance.

When this happens, your complexion usually appears very dull. In addition, there is a chance that the dark circles under your eyes become more noticeable.

Your Skin Becomes Itchy and Irritated

Without water to hydrate the barrier layer of your skin, the layer that protects your skin from outer irritants, these irritants are more likely to penetrate the skin and cause damage. Itchiness and irritation are soon to follow as a response to the changes.


As it has been said, when oily skin becomes dehydrated, it generally tries to compensate for the lack of water by overproducing oil. However, this increased amount of sebum is what causes problems to people with oily skin to begin with. It clogs the pores and creates a fertile ground for various bacteria to flourish and cause infections. As a result, acne breakouts appear more intensively.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Even though we have mentioned that the benefit of oily skin is that signs of aging come much later, unfortunately, if you are suffering from dehydrated skin, you are also going to notice the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Dehydration influences both the surface and deeper layers of the skin and, therefore, causes the deeper lines to become more visible. Luckily, their noticeability diminishes significantly once the skin is back to a state of hydration.

Reasons for Dehydration

Woman outside on windy day

Outdoor Irritants

If you think only sun rays can draw water out of your skin, you are wrong. There are many environmental factors that cause water shortage in the layers of your skin. Dry wind and air can also cause the water to be released from your skin easily, causing itchiness and irritation.

Poor Diet

Unhealthy food and beverages are the reason behind many health issues and conditions people have today. So, it is not surprising that skin dehydration is one of them. Overconsumption of coffee, alcohol, fast food and sweets can disrupt metabolic processes, and, among other things, it may cause your skin to lose the water it needs to be healthy and fresh-looking.

Hot Showers and Baths

Who would have thought, right? Unfortunately, it is true. When you expose your skin to hot water, it removes the protective oil layer from your skin, which is responsible for retaining water. This way, your skin is more likely to lose the water, making your skin dehydrated.

Inappropriate Skincare Routine

Sometimes, by trying to remove the excess oil from the surface of their skin, people do more harm than good. You might use cleansers that are just too drying and irritating or scrubs that are just too harsh, thinking that you will remove the excess sebum more effectively, but this is only going to have a counter effect.

Skin is a delicate organ, and it needs to be dealt with carefully and mildly.

One more mistake people with oily skin are making is that they are using products which have high amounts of alcohol in them. Alcohol is an extremely drying substance, and causes your skin to lose water fast.

Hopefully, by following the above tips, you’ll be able to keep your oily skin hydrated and enjoy a healthier-looking complexion for years to come!

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7 Ingredients That Will Give Your Skin an Instant Glow

Woman applying face serum

Skincare enthusiasts focus on the same old steps when it comes to caring for their complexion. There’s hydration for that glass-like dewiness, exfoliation to brighten the look of the skin, and even clay masking to purify and detoxify the feel of your complexion.

But some people—younger ones especially—forget to look after proper blood circulation, which gives the skin a nice glow. It sounds a bit medical, like it’s not even a cosmetic concern. Many of us often take for granted the fact that good circulation makes our skin look incredible.

It’s the secret to a naturally radiant and rosy flush that makes you glow. It gives your skin a luminosity that not even your favorite moisturizers and exfoliating toners can do!

Here’s the lowdown on good blood circulation and what it actually does for the skin, plus seven powerhouse ingredients that can help you achieve that healthy-looking glow!


Why is Good Blood Circulation Important for Our Skin’s Appearance?

Woman applying face cream

Let’s have a quick refresher on a simple high school lesson, shall we? Red blood cells travel all over the body, delivering much-needed oxygen to all the organs to get them to function correctly.

Good blood flow means that your entire body is oxygenated and is working properly. It also means it can eliminate all the waste that can clog up your veins and arteries as it flows.

The Problem with Poor Circulation

Now, in the case of bad blood circulation, your organs aren’t getting all the nutrients they need to function properly. This can cause serious issues, especially if your blood vessels get clogged up with fats and plaque, constricting your blood’s passageway.

An inadequate blood flow can also affect how your skin looks, making it look dull and lifeless since your body doesn’t have enough vitamins and nutrients going around to keep you looking radiant and luminous.

Bad circulation can also cause pigmentation issues leading to an uneven tone. This is because your cells aren’t oxygenated enough to look uniform and color and radiance.

Other issues bad blood circulation can cause on the skin are slow inflammation and wound healing, the appearance of dark and baggy under-eyes, and even premature aging. We don’t want visible fine lines and wrinkles early on in life, now do we?

7 Ingredients to Look Out For to Give You Glowy Skin

Keep your eyes peeled for these seven ingredients. They have excellent properties to aid in giving the skin a radiant finish.


Woman applying face cream

This derivative of vitamin A is a magic word for anyone looking into new skincare products. It has quite a reputation for reversing the appearance of skin aging by tightening the look of the skin.

But another reason retinoids are a fan-favorite is that they give the skin a naturally radiant glow, making your skin look super healthy.

Give vitamin A a try in the Vine Vera Resveratrol Vitamin C Serum.

Green Tea

Green tea has properties that brighten the appearance of the skin and reduce fine lines and aging.

Green tea is excellent at boosting the look of your overall complexion. 

Here at Vine Vera, we love all that green tea does for the skin. You’ll find the ingredient in several of our products, such as the Resveratrol Age Defying Eye Serum.

Red Algae

You might be thinking, “Gross! How could anyone put algae on their skin?” Well, the answer is: anyone serious about enriching the look of their skin will love this ingredient. 

Not only does it moisturize, but it gives the skin a glow. It also makes the skin feel so much more resilient.

Vitamin B3

Also known as niacin, this type of vitamin B is super impactful in leaving the skin looking healthily flushed.

It’s very impressive at taming the feel of inflammation in your skin, which should come as no surprise because niacinamide is a fan-favorite skincare vitamin for soothing the look of the skin and clearing up the appearance of redness due to acne.


Ginseng root on tray

This spice is known to be a vasodilator, similar to peppermint and other spices and oils.

This ingredient is loved for how it minimizes the look of skin aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. It also brightens the look of the skin, giving it a gorgeous glow.


This fruit isn’t just perfect over toast for breakfast—it’s also a secret weapon to glowing skin.

It keeps the complexion looking plump and the skin feeling strong and fortified. 


We’ve saved the best for last on this list. Resveratrol is an ingredient usually found in berries, grapes, and wine.

In recent years, it has become quite a trendy skincare product for those with sensitive skin. Many people see it as an ingredient that soothes the feel of the skin, but in reality, it offers so much more than that.

Aside from reducing the appearance of redness from inflammation, it also gives the skin a glow.

Resveratrol is a hot new skincare ingredient for sophisticated women in need of an extra glow (and also wine lovers looking for yet another reason to love and rave about their favorite drink!). If you want to try it out for yourself, look no further than Vine Vera.

A terrific moisturizer to incorporate into your skincare routine is Vine Vera’s Resveratrol Cabernet High Potency Moisture Day Cream. This product is rich in resveratrol and vitamin E, both of which are holy grails for bright-looking skin.

It takes time to see a difference in your skin when incorporating these into your routine. Consistency is key if you want to see results, so stick with it, and you’ll be as radiant as the sun in no time.

Lifestyle Changes That Can Promote Healthy-Looking Skin

Woman exercising at home

While it’s easier and more convenient to rely on skincare products to give your skin a radiant finish, there are a couple of healthy lifestyle changes that could make an even more significant impact when adopted in conjunction with the right products.


Exercising is one of the best things you can do to promote better blood circulation all over your body. Pumping up your heart rate by jogging, doing jumping jacks, or even just pacing around the house can improve your blood flow and give your skin that glow you’re yearning for.

You can elevate your fitness regimen by getting into yoga and meditation. Reducing your stress levels through these is also a surefire way to improve your blood circulation significantly.

Getting massages regularly is another thing that can help increase blood flow in the face and body. Because you’re stimulating the skin, it allows for speedier blood circulation, giving you a rosy flush and natural radiance almost instantly.


Being more conscious of what you eat is also crucial when trying to improve your circulation. Eating too many salty foods can raise your blood pressure, which keeps your blood flow from being efficient. Cut down on processed foods and too-hearty meals and balance it out with lighter, healthier snacks.

Turn instead to foods that are high in vitamins E and A, like almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, avocados, and more. These help prevent blood clotting in your veins, promoting healthier circulation with no blockage.

Load up on garlic, onions, and spices like cayenne pepper when cooking your fave meals as well. They can also reduce inflammation in your blood vessels, therefore stimulating your circulation.


Lastly, always remember to hydrate. Drinking a lot of water is healthy for many reasons, but it plays a huge role in blood circulation.

Staying hydrated maintains the volume of blood your body has. Without hydrating regularly, there won’t be enough blood cells to flush out toxins or keep your skin looking radiant.


How your skin looks is always going to be a reflection of what’s going on inside your body. 

Trying out products with any of the seven ingredients listed above may just surprise you, and the prize is none other than smooth, radiant, and clear skin.

Treat yourself to more exquisite skincare from Vine Vera here.

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How to Use Makeup to Hide Acne

Woman applying foundation

It’s the night before one of the most important events in your life. You look at yourself in the mirror, and, to your horror, you’re experiencing a breakout of blackheads and pimples. A breakout is one of the worst things that could happen, especially if you want to look your best on a specific day.

Hope is not lost! The solution to this problem? Cover your acne with makeup.

If you’re not the type to worry about makeup, this might seem like a complicated process. However, it’s a useful skill to have so that you can achieve the elegant and sophisticated look you were aiming for. So sit back, relax, and read this article with all your heart.

Common Mistakes When Applying Makeup

Before we try to hide acne with makeup, let’s figure out how to prevent it in the first place.

Not Cleaning Your Face Before Applying Makeup

Vine Vera Cleanser

Even if you’re running short on time, you need to make sure that you clean your face before putting on makeup. Putting makeup without cleaning your face is not a good practice because there may be excess oil, dirt buildup, and germs on your face. These dirt particles, excess oil, and germs will be trapped on your face if you cover them with makeup, which, later on, will cause acne breakouts!

Need a cleanser suitable for oily skin? Try the Vine Vera Resveratrol Vitamin C Cleanser.

Sharing Your Makeup

Sharing is caring, but not when it comes to makeup!

Even if it is your best friend or your sister, makeup sharing is a major no-no! If you use the same makeup and tools as other people, you can also transfer the bacteria and oil from their face into yours. In doing so, you are increasing your risk of infection and acne breakout, which is incredibly dangerous!

Keeping Your Makeup On for the Whole Day

Even if you’re only applying a small amount of makeup on your face, it will still adversely affect your skin if you wear it for too long. Therefore, it is essential to remove your makeup by the end of the day. If you sleep with your makeup on, these chemicals will mix with any oil and dirt accumulated on the surface of your face. These can clump together and clog your pores. 

Tips for Using Makeup to Cover Your Acne

Use a Moisturizer as Your Base

Woman using moisturizer

If you think moisturizing your face is one of the causes of your acne breakout, you’ll be pleased to know that it’s not true! What causes your breakout is a failure to moisturize your skin. Moisturizing should always be your first step before putting makeup on. This step can help provide a smooth base for your foundation and concealer

Even if you’re not facing a breakout problem, experts recommend including a moisturizer in your daily routine. Moisturizers are even more helpful if you’re suffering from a skin problem. Make sure that you always apply the appropriate amount on your face before putting on makeup!

Applying moisturizer is a critical step — as we said, it gives you smoother-feeling skin when you apply your foundation and concealer. If you moisturize religiously, there won’t be dry areas on your face. Therefore, the makeup won’t cling and attach to the dry spots that can cause pimples.

Aside from those benefits, moisturizing can also help you avoid looking like you put on too much makeup. The Vine Vera Resveratrol Cabernet High Potency Day Cream is a great formula to apply pre-makeup! 

Prime Your Face

When you use primer, makeup will cling to your skin more effectively. You will notice that the colors of your makeup tend to be more vibrant than when applying directly on skin that isn’t primed.

If you use a primer, you won’t need to layer your foundation or concealer excessively to cover up your blemishes. After all, applying too much product with oil content will further clog your pores and contribute to breakouts!

Protip: Invest in a good quality primer! Don’t buy something too cheap — you might end up clogging your pores instead of the primer serving its purpose!

Use a Color Corrector

With your face moisturized and primed, the next thing to do is to use a color corrector. For some, this step might seem intimidating or too much of a hassle. However, you’ll realize that color correctors are, in fact, your best secret weapon for making zits disappear.

In fact, color correctors are even more helpful if your pimples are leaning towards the red side. Here’s a quick guide on what color corrector to use for acne and other blemishes:

  • Dark Green Shade: Red and inflamed blemishes
  • Dark Yellow Shade: Popped out pimples
  • Peach Shade: Darker acne spots and scars

Keep in mind that it’s unnecessary to put an excessive load of color corrector on your face. A little goes a long way!

Experts suggest beginning the process with a small amount of the product. Make sure to place it sparingly on the right spots. Once you finish that small amount, you may add more if you feel that it’s necessary. It is easier for you to add more product than remove what is already on your face.

Apply Two Layers of Concealer Properly

Woman applying concealer

The most effective recipe to achieve that perfect look and hide acne is to use the two-pronged approach in using concealers.

What’s the first step, you ask?

Use a light concealer as the initial layer. Make sure that it’s at most one or two levels lighter than your skin tone. Professionals suggest that you use a cream concealer to disguise your blemishes effectively. If you use powder, it will most likely make your skin look cakey and will only draw unwanted attention to your face.

After the first layer, you may add another layer of concealer that exactly matches your skin. Do not forget to use a makeup sponge so it’s easier for you to cover your acne in every angle, especially those which you cannot touch with your hands. Always keep in mind to be gentle when applying the concealer. Do not rub it on — instead, lightly dab it so that you won’t remove the makeup you applied below it.

Choose the Best Corresponding Foundation

It’s not enough to rely on your concealer. Another vital aspect of using makeup to hide acne is the right foundation. Depending on your needs, you can use a full coverage foundation to cover those blemishes. Make sure to choose something that doesn’t transfer, can last long, and is the same color as your skin tone! This way, it won’t disappear with sweat and leave strange-colored patches on your skin.

If you have a breakout, use a brush instead of applying foundation with your fingers or a sponge. Using a brush helps you apply the product evenly and ensures you’re not touching your acne unnecessarily.

Use Products That Are Free of Harmful Chemicals

Using products that can clog your pores and help acne-causing bacteria grow and thrive without you knowing must be insane. Breakouts caused by chemicals are why you must familiarize yourself with these ingredients that you should avoid.

Experts say that all skin types are prone to breakouts, especially when using the wrong products. When choosing products, it would be best to look for products that suit your skin type and are free of harmful chemicals that might trigger acne breakouts, such as alcohol, fragrances, and acrylic.

First and foremost, you need to steer clear of comedogenic ingredients that are known to cause skin troubles. These comedogenic ingredients may include fragrances and dye, which contain harmful chemicals that can be incredibly irritating to sensitive and acne-prone skin types.

Aside from that, you may also want to avoid alcohol. Alcohol-based products are designed to maximize a product’s penetration deep into the skin, providing you with a long-lasting, all-day look. However, there is a downside to these kinds of makeup products. Alcohol is a chemical that, when used excessively, can lead to dehydrated or irritated skin. As a result, alcohol can cause or exacerbate breakouts.

Likewise, you might also want to be wary of makeup formulas that contain acrylics. Acrylics can help keep ingredients in a product together. However, they are not breathable and can potentially clog your pores. Silicones must be avoided as much as possible too. This ingredient may give you that silky-smooth feeling, but it is also a significant contributor to dry skin and clogged pores, which result in acne.

Use the Right Type of Makeup Brush and Technique

Makeup brushes

If you want to cover your acne breakouts seamlessly, using the right application tool is vital. Suppose you are going to apply foundation on top of your acne. In that case, experts recommend using a dry buffing brush and moving it in a circular motion. This brush is the one with dense bristles.

Makeup experts discourage people who are suffering from breakouts from using a sponge in applying foundation. The reason behind this is that sponges pull the product off from your blemishes, which is the opposite of what you want to happen.

But, not everyone is ditching the sponge!

Some use a combination of the dry buffing brush and sponge. A brush offers a full range of motion for flawless makeup application. It helps you apply makeup to your skin without pulling the product off. The sponge, on the other hand, helps blend the makeup for a more even look! Aside from that, the sponge can also help if you don’t want your makeup to look cakey. 

If you do not want to make your breakout worse, it would be best to avoid using dirty makeup tools. Dirty makeup tools will apply more bacteria to your skin, and it will cause your face to break out even more.

Keep this tip in mind: wash the brushes you use to apply makeup around your eyes at least twice a month. Other sponges and brushes should be washed at least once a month.

Lastly, one of the easiest ways of applying makeup on your face may be using your fingers. However, don’t you know that this is also the most common cause of acne?

Yes, you read that, right! One reason why you are getting acne is because you’re applying makeup using your grimy hands. When you use your hands, you are also transferring the germs and bacteria from everything that your hands touched to your face. These germs and bacteria are a leading cause of breakouts.

According to experts, there are several bacteria that our hands get when touching different things. These bacteria, when transferred to our face, can irritate our skin. Stick to your tools!

Set Your Makeup 

Setting your makeup helps it stay longer on your face. By doing so, you won’t have to reapply multiple times throughout the day, allowing you to successfully hide your acne! Aside from that, you might also want to seal your look with a finishing spray to prevent your makeup from fading. If you’re looking for a setting spray to use, try to find one with tea tree oil; it helps prevent and curb acne breakouts!

Something to Ponder On!

Having blemishes might be a big problem, but this doesn’t mean that you are no longer beautiful! You are still beautiful, no matter what!

But, if you want to gain more confidence, it will help you know how to cover your blemishes by applying makeup.

However, do remember that using too much makeup and the wrong products can make your breakouts worse. This is counterproductive — it will not only make your blemishes stand out more, but it will also affect its healing process.

The more makeup you put on, the more difficult it is for your body to heal. If you fall into this trap, there’s a large possibility that your breakout will get worse as your special day draws nearer. Makeup is even worse if you put it on a pimple that just popped or an open wound.

Remember our tips and you’ll be ready to face the world — no breakout is going to stop you from living your best life! Stay beautiful, and turn to Vine Vera products to help you feel like the Goddess you are.

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Have You Ever Tried a Magnetic Face Mask?

Woman applying magnetic face mask

The majority of us have gone through this pandemic with highs and lows, lows usually including overindulgence in food and drink.

Oh, not you?

Guess it’s just us, then.

Be that as it may, all the stress, commotion and the overeating and drinking have influenced the state of your skin, especially your face. In order to keep our sanity, sticking to a routine seems more important than ever in these harsh times. This also includes our skin care routine.

It is precisely the modern times that have provided us with many products to solve this problem, the most effective being face masks. However, many people are often puzzled over which one to choose, since there are so many different types on the market.

Let Vine Vera make things a bit easier for you.

Face Masks 101

Woman with face mask taking selfie

Cream Masks

These types of masks are beneficial for every type of skin, of course, depending on the ingredients.

People with dry skin should look for cream masks that have oils in them which create the moisturizing effect needed to hydrate their dry skin cells.

On the other hand, if you have problems with excess sebum on your skin’s surface, be careful to choose a mask that will help you remove it and unclog your pores properly, so your face can be allowed to breathe.

Clay Masks

Clay masks are usually designated for people with normal to oily skin since they have properties that help minimize the appearance of pores. They also have that mattifying effect everybody with oily skin needs.

They are a perfect means for naturally removing the toxins from your skin. They firm and tighten the appearance of your skin, making it look younger than ever. If you have acne breakouts, it is best to choose clay masks that have cleansing enzymes and sulfur which will help the feeling of inflamed skin and soothe the visibility of redness.

It is important to remember not to remove the leftover mask violently but with a warm wet washcloth. You should put it gently over your face and let it stay that way for a couple of minutes. The steam will help loosen the clay and make it easier for you to remove it.

Gel Masks

If you have problems with inflamed skin that needs to be dealt with carefully, it is best to use this type of mask.

Its soothing effect will help restore your face to its former state. Gel masks are perfect for dry and sensitive skin that needs to be hydrated regularly.

They are usually filled with collagen which is responsible for your skin’s recovery.

Sheet Masks

These masks are especially good, because they can be applied to any type of skin, whether it is dry or oily. The formula that they contain makes them that much more favorable if applied with a serum. It is best to use a serum before the mask so when you apply the mask, it helps the serum go deeper into your skin.

Sheet masks are also filled with antioxidants. Look for ones that have pomegranate or green tea in them, so you can enhance how bright and tight your skin looks.

It is crucial not to rinse it off but just to apply a moisturizer and you are good to go. A sleeping cream or a moisturizer can only boost the nourishing effects of the mask.  

Exfoliating Masks

Whether physical or chemical, these types of masks are good for removing the dry residue from the surface of your skin and unclogging your pores. The chemical ones usually consist of hydroxy acids and fruit enzymes, which give your skin a proper cleansing, removing all the dirt and dead skin. They also have properties that make your skin look a little brighter and even out the appearance of your complexion. Your skin will feel fresher almost instantly after the application of the mask.

Exfoliating masks are not recommended for use more than once a week. Too much exfoliation can damage your skin and irritate it, causing the appearance of redness and inflammation.

Eye Masks

To be honest, these ones are a real eye-opener, if you know what we mean.

They target only the area around your eyes, because it is very sensitive. Not every product can be put on that area, making it key for eye masks to be formulated with care in mind.

Want to add an eye mask to your routine? Try the Vine Vera Pinot Noir Anti-Aging Luminating Face and Eye Masks for a healthy-looking glow.

Magnetic Face Mask – the New Kid on the Block

Man with magnetic face mask

If you got bored with all the products you have to apply in order to keep your face glowing, boy, have we got news for you!

This crazy mask everybody is talking about will blow your mind, replace many of the products you are using and make all your wishes of a fresh-looking face come true!  

What is a Magnetic Face Mask?

Even though you may think this is something totally unheard of, that is not entirely true. According to renowned dermatologists, magnetized skincare dates back 2000 years.

The power of the magnet was not just used to attract metal, but for many other different purposes. 

The healing powers of the magnets have long been used to solve many skin conditions. A magnetic mask is beneficial for all skin types. 

How to Apply a Magnetic Face Mask

Woman applying magnetic face mask

In order to apply the mask, you need to clean your face and dry it well. This face mask will not stick if your face is not properly cleaned, or if it is damp. Therefore, you simply cannot skip this step.

Put the mask on the skin while being careful not to put it under your eyes or around the mouth. Leave it for 5 to 10 minutes and then remove it. In order to remove it from your face, you need to apply the magnetic cap, from the recommended distance. It will remove the mask as you move it around. After you remove the mask completely, it is good to massage your skin shortly so that it can absorb all the nutrients.

The magic lies in the pull. Once you draw the mask with the magnet, with it, you draw all the impurities from the skin. The skin feels softer straight away and there is an immediate glow. This means you can apply it before a night out, so your face will seem brighter and fresher than ever!

If this is what you get straight after you use it, imagine what you can expect in the long run.

Resveratrol Malbec DNA Magnetic Mask

Magnetic mask

If you have waited for the perfect product to arrive, then your waiting has come to an end. This phenomenal mask will solve all the problems you might have on your face while also significantly reducing the visibility of the wrinkles and other fine lines on your skin.

If we should pick a phrase that would most accurately describe this amazing skincare wonder, it would be – the future is now. The process behind it is incredible – it combines coconut oil, cannabis sativa seed oil and diamond powder, only to produce a miraculous mixture designed to give you tighter-looking skin you will simply adore.

It comes with a magnet which you use to remove the mask from your face. With each inch passed, you can notice the change in your skin. A younger, fresher, brighter-looking complexion everybody will envy you for. You simply can’t miss buying it!